Contax T2 a real blast or just pure hype?

The Contax T2 doesn't need a lot of introduction. Thanks to public figure such as Kendall Jenner and family this little gem of mechanics reached peaks of unimaginable hype and, in our opinion, also a bit too overestimated. But don't get me wrong, the T2 is one the best cameras of the high end point-and-shoot market but as its characteristic and features we prefer other cameras (matter of taste).
Handling the camera can be positive at the very beginning but while you will start to take your first pictures you'll realize how close your finger will be to the lens. Once you will understand how to pur you middle finger on the grip this will be not a problem anymore, but you have to bear in your mind that the lens can move against it.
Specifically the camera has great features such as a bright and clear viewfinder that doesn’t seem to suffer in the same way as many do with flare or blackout. The frame lines are maybe slightly prone to disappearing on a bright background and to have some kind of aquarium effect, but that is to my eye one of the only flaws of the VF. The live metering information is really cool and well done, when the camera is switched on, the metering is on, and is constantly updated.
The Contax T2’s shutter button and the focusing are also two great positive points for this camera. Brief and quiet sound while you are shooting (be careful, the shutter button is super sensitive, if you press it to much there will be no AF but straight away you'll take a picture - feature that can be perfect if you will already set the focus manually) and a really fast AF that could be also Manual.
The lens is a Carl Zeiss Sonnar 2.8/38 T*, a sharp and amazing lens that yes, deserve all the hype that there is around this camera. Of course there can be a little of aberration and distortion but nothing really strong that can affect your composition.
Our final thoughts about the Contax T2? We can say that the main highlights are the body, in titanium, the simplicity of the settings, easy to reach and intuitive, and all the features that combine make that camera an excellent and reliable tool for photography.
For some more info about this camera you can check here in our shop.
All pictures by Davide Soldarini